Integrative Psychoneuroimmunology
ketamine assisted PSYCHOTHERAPY
Be it for a spiritual connection, a personal awakening, to heal from adverse childhood experiences or traumatic events, those who have gathered the courage to turn to altered experiences can realize a stronger connection with self.
Clinical research is confirming that ketamine is an effective treatment tool in psychotherapy. Ketamine affects regions of the brain responsible for emotional processing and has the ability to modulate functional brain connectivity. Ketamine brings balance to key neurotransmitters and receptors. Ketamine affects synaptic growth at the levels of the prefrontal cortex and hippocampus, which regulates behavior, mood, personality development and memory. Ketamine lowers the activity of brain, known as the “disappointment center,” or lateral habenula, which is responsible for negative thoughts, feelings and negative arousal.
The journey is not solely within the session. It is found in a solid intention prior to the session. Along with the critical integration sessions that follow. All this can take time to adjust to, or to even fully understand and accept.
On one hand they can offer a feeling of openness and groundedness that needs nurturing, focus and practice. On the other hand they can offer chaotic visions/awarenesses that are confusing, hurtful, even scary. Either way, this journey requires an aftercare space of mindfulness and patience in order to fully allow for the integration into our life.
With my experiences in these shamanic realms, it has become clear that having a guide who understands this quest, and who can build a safe holding container for processing, is a vital before and after ceremony.
I would be honored to hold that space for you.
““Man is a slave to the delusion that he is a passive creature, a creature of circumstance; this is because he makes the mistake of identifying himself with his limited everyday consciousness, and is unaware of the immense forces that lie just beyond the threshold of consciousness..””