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Sean Merrick Sean Merrick

Roundup Does A Body Good!

Glyphosate – What, Why, Where?

Glyphosate, the active ingredient in Monsanto’s Roundup, is the most heavily used chemical weed killer in agricultural food production; worldwide!

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Sean Merrick Sean Merrick

Bigger Is Better And Your Health Depends On It

The longer your Telomeres, the happier the partner. Size Matters

Er.......wait, what were you thinking?? NO.......Get your head out of the gutter.

Telomeres are a protective cap on the ends of our chromosomes. The longer the cap the healthier you are. Telomeres protect from premature degradation of the chromosome, preventing early cell death. They also protect, and preserve, the genetic codes on the chromosomes. These codes insure healthy cell division and aid in the key transfer of healthy information. This healthy information is passed onto newly born cells instructing them how to behave.

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Sean Merrick Sean Merrick

All Healthy Roads Lead to Yoda

The U.S. health care system has been in a heated debate over the past decade, or more. One thing that has remained consistent is it's level of performance. The U.S. has ranked as the worst among industrialized nations for the fifth time; according to the 2014 Commonwealth Fund survey. The U.K. ranked 1st, Switzerland a close 2nd.

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Sean Merrick Sean Merrick

"Bad Bacteria" - Are We Blaming the Wrong Enemy?

Louis Pasteur was a French Biologist in the 19th Century. He was renowned for his investigations into disease prevention and discoveries in treatments. Though some were to believed to be controversial, his belief about prevention is simple. "Our bodies have a sufficient immune system to fight off infection so long as the body is functioning in its natural state. Only is the optimal functional state compromised when chronic illness or infection sets in."

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Sean Merrick Sean Merrick

Mitochondrial Disease - The Cause of Family Dysfunction

This is to my family who prefers simple answers over complex understanding. Simple can be be the problem all along however. Let me present this example! The Theory of Special Relativity explains the relationship between time, space, and motion and is simply stated, E = MC². E = MC² reveals secretes about massless particles, possible multi-verses, nuclear fission, and the mind blowing fact that the Law of Conservation of Matter is actually false - matter can be destroyed into anti-matter. Simple right?

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Sean Merrick Sean Merrick

Food: The Busiest Therapist.

If one studies Alchemy they will discover that it is simply recognition of the soul. The original health practitioners utilized symbols, mysticism, and words to allow one to uncover their own soul for the purpose of healing. It is thought that if the soul is allowed to live its truth, the body has an opportunity to innately heal itself.

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Sean Merrick Sean Merrick

Life's health question.....Which Came First?

So, did Aguste Rodin have his health in mind when sculpting the thinker? Or maybe he had the earlier philosophical question between the chicken and egg; and who has the answer to that?

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Jo Dorais Jo Dorais

"Leaky Gut" is Old Technology: Gut Health

Okay, think of it this way. When you drive thru a tunnel in a mountain, you are not "part of" that mountain. The same goes for the tunnel that runs from our mouth to our anus. Food and consumed products are not part of us until they are absorbed.

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